Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year Greetings for Police & Law Enforcement Officers

It's December 31st and another tumultuous year has drawn to a close. So much loss this year; across the nation, with attacks on our cops on the rise, violence towards officers at an all-time high, and so much anger and disrespect shown towards those who wear the badge on a daily basis. 2022 marked the second year in a row that our local area has suffered a devastating line of duty death, with the murder of Deputy Glenn Hilliard in June. It's been a difficult and challenging year for many, but we are determined and committed to not give up hope.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Holiday Graphics & Messages for Law Enforcement & First Responders

Seasonal greetings and holiday messages of appreciation for the men and women who serve and protect us every day. Please feel free to download and share, print out or repost to honor and thank your local police departments and individuals who make up the Thin Blue Line.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Greetings for Correctional Officers

Wishing a very happy holiday season to all who serve on the front lines as Correctional Officers, representing the Thin Silver Line. Your service is appreciated, and we thank you for the work you do each day. This blog post includes a number of the graphics created for Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement, and they are free to download, share and repost.