
Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year - Welcome 2024!

Monday, January 1st, 2024: It's here! We've arrived at a brand new time in our lives, and would like to wish each and every one of you and your loved ones a wonderful year ahead.

Thank you to all who support our officers in the local area, with acts of kindness, generous gestures throughout the year, and area businesses and individuals who make the effort to donate meals and think of our LEO on special days. We have seen so many posts of gratitude on Facebook and are thankful to see many folks stepping up.

There is so much happening here on Delmarva with activities to support local agencies and their K9's, department open houses, and events to fund many of the nonprofit organizations in our area - so many ways in which each of us can help support our officers. Please consider checking with your nearby police or sheriff's office to learn what is coming up, because it is by attending these meet and greets, Coffee with a Cop, etc., that we form better connections to our first responders.

Let's make more of an effort to be involved and get to know the men and women behind the badges, so we can stand with our neighbors, friends, and loved ones as they go out each day. I ask that anyone connected to a local department please invite us or tag the page, because in the past year we have missed announcements and news of upcoming events, and I would like to change that in 2024. Thank you to all who take up their gear each day and work to serve this community. We love you all, and appreciate allowing us to be part of your world. God bless and may the coming year bring your joy and happiness, peace and love. Happy New Year!


Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue