Monday, December 2, 2019

Candlelight Vigil | December 1st, 2019

Tonight was the Christmas Candlelight Vigil in Dover, held to honor and remember Delaware's fallen heroes. Hosted by Concerns Of Police Survivors (Delaware), the evening is focused upon the family members and their loved ones.

It's a well known fact that those who make the decision to serve in law enforcement roles do not have "normal lives". Such career choices - a calling, in fact - are not merely about the individual, as stress and difficulties of the job often wind up affecting the entire family - and that is where the C.O.P.S. organization comes in. Founded in 1984 and with a current membership of over 48,000, their role is to help and support those whose lives have been shattered by the death of a police officer. At tonight's ceremony, they provided relatives an opportunity to remember their loved ones as each name was read and an ornament placed on the Christmas tree at the front of the room.

You might think we would have an album of photos to share as we normally do, but things were different this evening. Moved indoors due to weather, the service could have allowed for better pictures, however it felt inappropriate to take photos at such close range. For that reason we took away with us only a few images of the building and police memorial, along with the words of several speakers.

Please keep the survivor families in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season. May God bless, watch over and keep safe all of our police officers everywhere.