Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thank A Police Officer Day is September 19th, 2020

I first found out about Thank A Police Officer Day in 2014, before this page existed and before I'd found all of you. Participating with just a small scale effort was eye-opening and the following September a small but dedicated group of citizens, volunteers and local residents joined forces to observe the date.

The next summer, on July 7th, 2016, millions of us picked up our phones or switched on televisions to learn that five officers in Dallas, Texas had been ambushed and killed, leaving a wake of grief and sadness which resonated across the nation. Seeking some type of connection or comfort I suppose, countless individuals reached out to our page eager to get involved in honoring law enforcement that September.

Since then we've seen ups and downs in the planning for this annual occasion; been blessed with a revolving roster of dedicated, caring people; met relatives of local officers and worked together with civic groups, churches and schools which have stepped forward to make sure those who defend the Thin Blue Line were acknowledged. Looking back at 2014 it's hard to believe all the changes which have taken place in my life, as I'm sure has happened in your world as well - our economy has fluctuated, words such as "pandemic" and "social distancing" entered our vocabulary, and riots and mayhem have erupted and spilled out into America's streets. In cities, towns and states, our country has been shaken and divided.

But there's one thing which didn't change. See, you and I still pick up the phone and dial the same numbers with the expectation that help and hope will arrive. We continue believing the men and women who rise each day and go out into their communities wearing a badge which stands for honor and integrity will be there when we call; during times of violence; following an accident; in moments of crisis. We still - despite the criticism and attacks which take place in person just as much as online - trust our officers will remain committed to the cause and be there to protect you and I and our families. It's breathtaking, almost, to pause and realize how some human beings are wired to care SO MUCH that they continue guarding their flock from the evils of the world.Day after day they stand shoulder to shoulder against the disrespect and hate which has become rampant in our society - to watch over us while keeping an eye on the unrest which bubbles up each night on streets across our nation.

That's what heroes do, I guess, the ones who answer a call and make the choice to put their hometowns and citizens first. That's pretty selfless, and even in these challenging times,we must find the time - no, MAKE the time - to show our appreciation to these men and women in blue. We must, now more than ever, stand together to say with a single resounding voice, "we have your back".

Please join us in the coming weeks to deliver a universal message of hope and support to the police and law enforcement agencies in our area. We're asking for - and we need your help - because this place where we live called the "Delmarva Peninsula" encompasses three states and fourteen counties and countless departments in between. We understand this is a tough time to ask local businesses for their participation; we realize public events are limited and know the typical gatherings at schools and churches won't take place this year - but there is still so much we CAN do.

Stand with us to share your appreciation for those who serve with a flag, blue light or ribbon in your front yard. Invite friends and neighbors to our public event, which this year bears the theme "Delmarva Going Blue" (personalized graphics available soon!). Connect with others in your neighborhood to plan thoughtful ways to say "We Got Your Six" to a nearby department, because through a series of small, sincere actions we can together better express our gratitude to these heroes. Just because we cannot assemble in groups as has been done in previous years doesn't mean we can't do this! We even have a BIG LIST of ways in which everyone can participate, because as you've probably heard us state in the past, "together we accomplish more" (to be posted Friday).

Please join the event - Thank A Police Officer Day on Delmarva to get updates and find graphics and images for your town and police department - and kindly share this post and invite others. This is about what we can do as a community. Thank you! #DelmarvaGoingBlue

DSLEO was created for law enforcement of the Delmarva Peninsula (Delaware and the eastern shore areas of Maryland and Virginia), along with advocating respect for all officers. 

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