Friday, June 18, 2021

Together We Pray for Law Enforcement

Today we join our hearts and minds in praying for those on the front lines. While we can do little to keep police officers from harm during their daily shifts and nighttime patrols, we can each bow our heads and humbly ask for God to watch over them as they go forth each day.

We pray that each and ever one is given the strength to carry out their duties as an upstanding and courageous member of their agency, that they be of clear minds and caring hearts as they navigate the treacherous landscape of our cities and states. We pray for their families too, that each of the spouses at home, the parents of our officers and the children, be strong and find comfort in the dedication with which these heroes go forth to serve others. May the prayers of thousands who stand faithfully with law enforcement be heard we ask, today and every day. Amen. God bless you all.

I found the following post on Linkedin and although it's a few years old, thought it was well said: National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement
by Hin B., Eastern Program Director and Partners in Crime Support Coordinator at UTS. NC State Representative Blue H.E.L.P. Published Dec 17, 2016

"Today, The Under The Shield Foundation has committed to participating in the National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement.

Please join us as we pray.

Heavenly Father,

We ask you on this day, and all days, to protect our first responders and law enforcement officers during these turbulent and trying times.

We ask that you comfort the friends and family, both blood and blue, who have come and gone before us, many before their time.

We beg and beseech you to show mercy and light to those officers that work, days and nights, to protect this country, the country that gives us the freedom to worship You.

We beg that you protect our first responders, our law enforcement officers, our military and our veterans as they do a job that so many are unable to fathom. We ask that you show us the light and lead the way as this country fights an inner war.

We beg that there be no more tears shed for those who have fallen, and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. We beseech you to show mercy and compassion to those families who grieve their lost ones.

May we all find peace during these difficult times and we thank you for the mercy that you have shown us thus far. We thank you for the men and women that have chosen to put their lives on the line daily to protect your creations, and we ask that you continue to show them the way.

In Your name,


Posted on June 13, 2021 by Robbie Watson
