WHY Established in 2012 by the Whole Truth Project, this is the sixth year we will be visiting and showing appreciation to area LEO.
WHERE: Anyone can get involved right where you are! Our focus is primarily centered on the fourteen counties of Delmarva, which include three counties in Delaware, nine counties along Maryland's eastern shore, and two counties located only the Virginia coast. All together there are more than 140 agencies in this area, ranging from small towns to big cities, so there's likely one right near you.
HOW: Consider adopting a local department and having lunch or dinner delivered, create a fruit or gift basket and make a visit, or simply drop off cookies with a card saying "thank you". We've had people order cakes for their event, send pizza, or set up a snack table for the day! At home you could display a blue light on your porch, fly a blue line flag at your business or add a message of support to an outdoor sign or billboard.
Be sure and join our online event "Thank A Police Officer Day on Delmarva" for ideas and to share photos. See additional suggestions on this list 25 Ways To Get Involved.
We offer resources and ideas, printable images, custom graphics for individual departments (free to download), even a group just for planning out the details. Behind this page is a collection of volunteers eager to share suggestions and working to make the day special for our officers; tell us where you are and what you'd like to do and we'd love to have your participation and energy! Be sure to connect with us on our social networks at the links below, and join the event on Facebook here.
Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement was established in support of the men and women who serve the fourteen counties of Delmarva; Delaware and eastern shore areas of Maryland and Virginia); advocating respect for all who serve and protect.