We know a lot of folks are often unsure of how to recognize their police officers. If you're shy, walking up to someone is just not comfortable and doesn't really convey the message like a planned event. What we've noticed over the years of doing this is that the dollar amount spent is not the most important thing! It's the thought that goes into a project or effort, such as coordinating the area businesses to post messages of support on their signs during the week, or an entire neighborhood decked out in blue ribbons and banners - even finding encouraging messages written out on the sidewalk in chalk is a thoughtful way to let them know how much we appreciate their service.
Some of the handmade cards from kids get the biggest smiles, the offer of a car wash for a dirty patrol car might really make someone's day, and of course, meals are always a wonderful gesture. But if you don't have the funds to send pizza to say, the sheriff's office with 45 people, then think within your budget and plan a snack table, jumbo card full of cheerful sayings and signatures signed by your entire school, business or workplace. It's not about the money.....it's about spreading kindness and this is absolutely a wonderful event to participate in and experience for yourself!
Note: We absolutely encourage and recommend that you contact the department in advance of a visit or delivery of food items. Many of them, unfortunately, may not accept homemade goodies for safety reasons, but no worries - you can do prepackaged items, individual snacks or ask for a recommendation for their favorite restaurant if planning to send over a meal. Asking them for a suitable time and day to stop by is courteous and wise, as not every agency will be staffed fully on weekends, etc., and if you're bringing kids generally the best time is during the week we've found. Planning in advance is definitely a good thing!
Let's get started going through some of these suggestions, and I can promise you by the end of this blog post you will be inspired and excited about plans for next Saturday! But before we do, here's a quick background about this date: Thank A Police Officer Day was established in 2012 by the Whole Truth Project to honor local officers (be sure and check out their Facebook page for graphics and images). We learned about this observance in 2014 and set out to adopt a sheriff's department in Maryland, not realizing quite how large of an agency it was....learning curve! Since then we've found out it's the power of amazing volunteers, residents and community leaders who help in planning various events that makes the entire project a success.
Here's a link to instructions for making a goody bag with printables from the Proud Police Wife website. Walks you through each step and creates fabulous looking little gifts.
These adorable cookies were delivered to a local department several years ago. So cute!
If you can't plan an in-person visit but still want to say "we care", have dinner or lunch delivered. Always a favorite!

These adorable cookies were delivered to a local department several years ago. So cute!

Young artists have left rocks all over our area in previous years and we're pretty sure these brightened someone's day when discovered.
P.S. You can do this on your own or with friends, and anytime! 
Another set of directions for Police Appreciation Bags - great items chosen for officers on the go.

Another set of directions for Police Appreciation Bags - great items chosen for officers on the go.
This delivery by junior volunteers brought lots of smiles so we think involving the kids is always a fabulous idea. 😊
Useful, practical and everyday items seem to be the best bet for goody bags. Individually packaged snacks, granola bars, jerky, nuts, hand sanitizer, bug spray, etc, are all thoughtful things to include.
A giant card and snack station is a delicious and welcomed concept. We've also done this with platters of subs, trays of cold cuts and sandwiches.
Smiles all around at delivery time. We always recommend to call the department in advance to set up a suitable time and day to visit. This way they can tell you what works best for them, so an officer can be there to accept items and maybe take a few photos.
A tasty table set up for the day: volunteers arrived early in the morning with munchies and returned later on to clean up and dispose of packaging, etc. Very thoughtful.
Spread kindness with handmade cards and a little bit of inspiration The kids will have a blast making and decorating simple cards for each officer - invite friends over and have the adults join in the fun too with a "Cards for Cops Night" theme party.
This cake decorated with the department logo was a big hit, and most bakeries can do similar designs. Remember to place orders in advance.
Some towns have coordinated an entire "Blue Ribbon Campaign" throughout their neighborhoods. We think that message is something any officer would appreciate seeing.
Here's a good recipe to make if your local department accepts homemade items (always check with them first). Tags and printables are available on the Proud Police Wife website to add to purchased items also.
Set up a giant card at work for folks to add messages of support. Gather an array of colorful markers and encourage employees and customers to add uplifting words, then deliver with snacks, lunch and balloons.
When all fails and if time is running out....order pizza. Again, we suggest contacting a department in advance to find out the best time of day for a delivery and if they have a favorite local restaurant. Remember there is a day shift and night shift at most large agencies.
Whatever you decide to do, have fun with it. Put plans in place to find out how many officers per station, remember to contact them ahead of time, and invite lots of friends and family to join in making the third week of September special for our LEO's. Follow us on Pinterest and our other social channels for more ideas and share your photos with us on Facebook too!
Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. Hashtag: #delmarvablue