Sunday, April 14, 2019

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week 2019

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week 2019 takes place April 14th -20th. This observance was created to acknowledge the dedicated service of countless individuals behind the scenes, working around the clock each day to take calls, provide critical information, and keep everything running smoothly for all emergency response departments.

Those who operate phone lines, call centers and dispatch networks are represented by the "thin gold line", illustrating their critical connection between the public and first responders. To find out more and learn how to observe this week visit

Below are a number of graphics and images suitable for posting during Telecommunicators Week. Feel free to download, repost and share to honor all who serve our communities and departments all year long. Thank you!

DSLEO was created for law enforcement of the Delmarva Peninsula (Delaware and the eastern shore areas of Maryland and Virginia), along with advocating respect for all officers. #delmarvablue
