Friday, August 16, 2019

Police Suicides on the Rise

August 15th, 2019: "Police departments confront ‘epidemic’ in officer suicides", an article by Michael R. Sisak and Jim Mustian.

The first few words: "A rash of suicides by police officers has shaken the New York Police Department, leading the commissioner to declare a mental health emergency"

We have an emergency, undoubtedly, but given the factors at play - disrespect, constant criticism non-law enforcement individuals, or those who simply hate accountability, the devastating incidents, lack of support from community, and eagerness of the media to judge, label and there any shock or surprise that this is happening? No one saw this coming?

We place the people who are our first line of defense against crime, drugs, gangs and evil, under continual, negative and aggressive scrutiny, fail to stand behind them, elect leaders who refuse to back the system that needs to be in place - and we didn't think our officers would be affected? We refuse to keep many offenders behind bars, letting a large number of criminals out almost immediately, reinforcing the new "no consequences mindset", and we're just now realizing this type of system is bringing down the only people we have standing up for us and our safety?

Generally speaking, human beings can only operate for a short period of time under the strain of traumatic incidents, spirit-crushing pressure, and an environment of chaos. With the factors listed above (and countless other signs and actions of disrespect) for our officers, is it any wonder we're seeing the horrific outcome of men and women in this profession? And yet....the leaders or elected officials or even local community heads - fail to raise their hand and say "this is not acceptable". No one wants to speak up FOR our cops, and yet those people are the first ones to point the finger and place blame.

Some days I'm disgusted by the world in which we are living....and yet, I know we have to go on to try and make it better.

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. Hashtag: #delmarvablue