Thursday, May 21, 2020

Farewell Sgt. Charles “Chip” Green, Ocean City Police Department (May 20th, 2020)

I knew I would be disappointed to miss the service allowing our community to say goodbye to a friend; a respected and beloved brother; a protector in blue. Certainly could not have predicted just how touching and emotional the photos and comments from yesterday would be; heartbroken I was unable to be there but grateful to see so many come out to honor Sgt. Green.

I hope he knew how loved and appreciated he was during his time here with us because he certainly made an impression on countless residents, coworkers, visitors and more. Perhaps one of the ways (there are many), in which we can physically see the effects of a great loss is to observe the width, not just depth, of grief which follows. People who live to inspire, serve and make our world a better, brighter place.....they always leave their community with an impact; in sadness and mourning and yet with a grateful, thunderous silence of respect.

We honor and salute you, Sgt. "Chip" Green. The boardwalk, this town and our lives won't be the same without you, sir.

Below I've included some links to the heartfelt words and photo galleries which have been posted:

Post from Ocean City Police Department with link to their Flickr album

Video from Ocean City Police Department

Photo gallery from DelmarvaNow

DSLEO was created for law enforcement of the Delmarva Peninsula (Delaware and the eastern shore areas of Maryland and Virginia), along with advocating respect for all officers. Hashtags | #delmarvablue and #delmarvasupportsleo
