Monday, April 26, 2021

We Can't Sit Back and Wait: Defend Our Police NOW

Sunday night was not a pep rally or a joyful occasion; it was created to pray for Cpl Heacook and his family, along with the other two victims. Knowing the seriousness of the injuries our Delmar police officer sustained, the mood was rather somber, and you could feel the worry and sadness from those who spoke and by simply glancing at the faces of the officers present.

As I looked around at the crowd I couldn't help but wonder where everyone had been the last six months as police officers have continually and aggressively come under attack. Have you donated to a fundraiser for the local K9 unit to ensure the dogs have lifesaving protective gear, purchased a raffle ticket or t-shirt in support of your local department, spoken up to defend the men and women in blue as they are being criticized? Each of us has the power to turn the tide when sweeping and unfair accusations are being hurled; we possess the ability to instead reflect on the countless selfless actions of the good and devoted law enforcement officers out there. Things as simple as changing the tone of a conversation, a wave or thumbs-up, stopping into a station during the summer months and dropping off a case of Gatorade aren't much but small actions send a message that you care about these people who are willing, able and ready to protect and save your family's life.

Impromptu gatherings such as last night absolutely have a place in our lives, but we can't wait for just those few occasions. Over the last six years, the times I've seen people eager to make a donation to some kind of fund have most often occurred following a tragic situation..... but there's no need to wait for those scenarios. What happened to Corporal Heacook was horrific and appalling, but the truth is our officers pick up the badge and go out there to face exactly those types of incidents every single day.

Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement was created to recognize police officers of Delmarva (fourteen counties across three states); along with advocating respect for all who serve. hashtag: #delmarvablue