Sunday, April 11, 2021

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week 2021

Dispatchers, public safety operators and communication professionals are the first point of contact in a complex web of solutions. It takes a calm, collected and skillful individual to adequately understand the needs of each situation, assess the resources for every crisis and coordinate essential emergency services - and yet, they do this countless times every day to save lives and act quickly for those in crisis.

Our telecommunications professionals are the glue and backbone which holds everything together. When I hear the word "dispatcher", I think of someone who is knowledgeable, collected, and who posses the ability to remain calm in the midst of chaotic situations, so they can effectively direct the best possible solutions needed. They are organizers and facilitators of multiple departments, varieties of responses and numerous agencies - as is so often mentioned, they are the epitome of "calm in the storm". We can't merely thank these folks for one week out of the year, as their actions coordinate complex solutions and save lives every single day! It is this week however, which is especially dedicated to all who serve in these types of roles, honoring all the heroes behind the scenes since 1981 when this observance was created.


Every year during the second week of April, the telecommunications personnel in the public safety community, are honored. This week-long event, initially set up in 1981 by Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office in California, is a time to celebrate and thank those who dedicate their lives to serving the public. It is a week that should be set aside so everyone can be made aware of their hard work and dedication. Information via

As we take time to gratefully acknowledge the service and dedication of all who fall under the titles of emergency operator, communication professionals, public safety departments and dispatch, we are appreciative of all who faithfully watch over cities and towns in every state and corner of our nation. Thank you to the "Thin Gold Line"!

Below are graphics to download and use, repost and share. For a larger version, click on any image to open a new window, then save to your device.

We hope you have the opportunity to thank someone in telecommunications this week. For social media posts, hashtags include #NationalPublicSafetyTelecommunicators Week, #NPSTW2021, #telecommunications, #dispatchers, #NPSTW. Thank you you dispatchers and communications operators who keep everything running!

Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement was created to recognize  police officers of Delmarva (fourteen counties across three states); along with advocating respect for all who serve. #delmarvablue