Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Greetings for Correctional Officers

Wishing a very happy holiday season to all who serve on the front lines as Correctional Officers, representing the Thin Silver Line. Your service is appreciated, and we thank you for the work you do each day. This blog post includes a number of the graphics created for Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement, and they are free to download, share and repost.

While some folks may be unaware of the demands on those working in the field of Corrections, we believe this occupation, as with all first responder roles, takes a significant toll on the individuals who carry out the day to day duties. If you know someone who serves as a correctional officer, please take a moment to acknowledge the important work these men and women do.

To save, click on any image to open the larger version in a new window, then right-click and save to your device.

May you and your family share in the joy and celebration of this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue