Wednesday, February 8, 2023

This Shouldn't Be News

A quick scroll through Facebook this morning brought me to this photo posted by Sheriff Deputies. I sat and looked at it and tried to understand why we need to post this......

This shouldn't be news.

It happens every single day, multiple times, all over the world; law enforcement officer says goodbye to child. The only reason you're seeing it here is because the world wants to paint LEO as some kind of monster - and then people feel we need to post things like this just to prove otherwise. That's backwards (for lack of a more suitable phrase). Let's just give ordinary people saying goodbye to their kid the respect they deserve, for being willing to step in front of you when some monster is hurting others, calm a frightened child, hear the same freakin' story for the 8th time from someone who hasn't got their life together, respectfully interview a rattled senior citizen, provide resources, listen to an incoherent description and attempt to make sense of it, give directions, stand in the ice cold rain to block traffic because someone is lying dead in the road, notify a family their loved one is gone, walk into a crime scene that will stay with them forever, stay silent when exiting their cruiser while hearing comments from passersby, phone home to tell those kids at the beginning of this post they can't make that game because the department is so horribly understaffed again that mom or dad has to stay late, see their partner go down, watch as a flag-draped coffin of a brother or sister is carried into a crowded church, again.

But our society has become so focused on finding fault; blaming others; failing to take responsibility for the problems we create....that we forget cops are humans too. And then someone has to post an ordinary photo just to prove they aren't monsters, and that they hug their kids just like everyone else.

We need to wake the hell up and give these people the respect they deserve, for being willing to do all this, and more.

photo via Sheriff Deputies 

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue