Saturday, February 4, 2023

Celebrating the Month of Love: Hearts for LEO

February has arrived, and we thought this would be a terrific time to spotlight love, kindness and hearts. Welcome to our "Hearts for Law Enforcement" project! We started asking in January what wording or agency people would like to see, and folks have requested specific departments and designs which are featured on our Facebook page. Each heart is then added to our bulletin board and sent to the person who requested it.

Our goal was to create a virtual wall of messages of encouragement for officers here on Delmarva, but really we hoped people would jump in and want to do this in person. After all, who doesn't love a glass wall or window filled with encouragement and love for our cops (exactly...we thought so too)! And, you know what's best? This doesn't take a whole lot of planning or a boatload of volunteers - anyone can start a little ripple of kindness right where you are. ๐Ÿ’™

This idea has actually been around for a while, often planned as a fun project for downtown areas or on Main Street, bringing people together with simple blank hearts. Folks add words of inspiration or short quotes to colorful images which are then displayed on store windows, at the town hall, etc. Here's a photo of such a project.

Here's what our cover image looked like on February 3rd (see on Facebook here). Below are a few of the designs we've created, along with some stock images. To download, click on any image to open the large version in a new window, and then right click to save to your device. Feel free to repost, share on social media with friends and neighbors, or print them out to display at your business or community facility.

Kids and adults alike love this idea, and you can either create your designs on the computer or break out paper and glitter and actually make real Valentines to give to any officers you see. 
What would you like to see as an image? Contact us on Facebook and we'll do our best to create a graphic! Here's a series of styles done for the Worcester County K9 Units.

We hope you will join us to show love and appreciation towards LEO everywhere this month. No project or wall of blue paper hearts is going to stop the hate and violence directed at them, but it's a small gesture of support just about anyone can do, and to us, that's worth the time.

This image is from the Greenwood Police Department as they started their own project.

๐Ÿ’™What? We will be hanging blue hearts throughout our department & town hall throughout the month.
๐Ÿ’™Who? Anyone & everyone can participate! Hopefully we fill our windows & wall to the max.
๐Ÿ’™How? Send an email, call, or drop by to create your own heart, or to have us fill one out for you!

Some examples will be posted in the comments! Feel free to add a name, a department, a quote, a drawing, whatever your "๐Ÿ’™blue heart๐Ÿ’™" desires. Please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT on this post to get the word out. This is open to everyone, not just the town of Greenwood! We want to make this as big as possible to show our love & support for ALL law enforcement officers/departments!"

Contact: Amy Carey (302) 349-4822 or email to

We hope this post inspires you to reach out, spread kindness, and most importantly, encourage our cops to keep doing what they do. Getting your kids involved in something so simple will bring smiles to any LEO's face, so let's get out there and share the love this month. Thanks for visiting our blog!

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue