Sunday, May 7, 2023

Correctional Officers Week 2023

Correctional Officers Week 2023: observed Sunday, May 7th through Saturday, May 13th. Although we honor and appreciate all who serve behind the locked gates, the second week of May is a time specifically dedicated to thank correctional officers throughout the nation.

On the first day of National Correctional Officers Week, we would like to thank the individuals who have chosen this profession. Although we may not see your work as visibly as in other roles of public safety, we know how essential you are to keeping the evils of society at bay. We are forever grateful to those who serve behind the scenes carrying out such an important and essential role in our world, including our Probation and Parole officers and departments.

Correctional officers face many different risks in their daily routines, much of which goes unseen by the public and thus often not adequately recognized. The stress of an workday spent inside of a locked building, an environment of close quarters and the continual dangers for which officers must always be on alert, are not merely a "tough job" but one which takes a toll on those who serve.

We ask you to take time this week, and acknowledge the men and women standing watch day and night, who together make up the Thin Silver Line. Stay safe, and thank you!


Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue