Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 25th, 2023: Two Years Later

Words to honor someone we are all connected to... thoughts or emotions to share.... today is a time to do these things, and yet I'm feeling empty.

I sat in my car last night in the town of Delmar, where it seemed every street had a blue light or two shining, as they have been for two years now, and I thought about the officers of the department. Not only did they lose a brother, each and every member of the DPD carried an enormous burden in the days and weeks which followed. You could feel the weight of their stress and sadness when you spoke with a member of the Delmar Police Department, saw the worry in their spouse's eyes; heard the voices break and crack while speaking about our tragedy. Our tragedy. Not the Midwest, not California..... right here at home. 

The loss of Corporal Keith Heacook was a gut-wrenching jolt in our lives, one which doesn't fade or diminish over time. This week, please remember the family. Remember Keith's brothers and sisters in blue. Remember that every day going forward is an opportunity for us to comfort, uplift, inspire or simply listen. Officer Heacook, your life and sacrifice will be never be forgotten, Sir.

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue