Included in this post blog are some of our holiday images and greetings for law enforcement. Please fee free to download, share or repost to honor and thank the men and women who serve our communities; to save the large size images, just click on any graphic to open the high-resolution picture in a new window, then right click and save to your device.
I decided to go ahead and include this image below, one which may not seem to normally fit a holiday blog post, but a topic which is weighing heavily on my heart this week. So many individuals are struggling right now; overwhelmed, grieving, or simply not feeling heard or understood......the burden of what cannot be said or discussed can be a crushing load to carry. 😌 When one cannot speak openly about what hurts, must choose our words carefully and consider who to talk with, sometimes I think the silence becomes louder, and that can magnify one's pain.
I would like to ask you for a favor this week - to please find the time to reach out to someone with a quick phone call, drop by their house, text, or whatever - to connect in some way with your people, friends, coworkers, a neighbor, etc., just to see how they are, to spread kindness, to let someone know they are not alone. It is often the smallest of gestures which can mean the most, and I feel more people are burdened now then ever before.
Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue