Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday, June 19th: Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement

Today is National Prayers for Law Enforcement Day. While we may all be of different beliefs and faiths, one thing we are united in and that is our gratitude and love for those who wear the badge.⁣

"For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them” ~ this reminds us that we can lift up our hearts and voices anywhere, alone or with others, because our intentions are together more powerful.⁣⁣⁣

Please join with us today at noon for a moment of silent prayer, wherever you may be. Let us remember the struggles and challenges facing our law enforcement today, as well as thinking of the loving devotion of their spouses and family members too. We ask that all the men and women in blue be protected and strengthened so they can fulfill their duties, and that at the end of each day, they return home safely.⁣

Thank you and God bless.⁣ Below please find a few images and graphics from around the web - to download just click on the image to open a larger version in a new window and save.

Here's a post I found on Instagram (Repost via @motivatingchristians): "The world wants us to hate law enforcement. I say we should pray a prayer of protection over them daily. There may be a few bad apples but God can turn them around if we pray and intervene!"

I found this post from 2018 and the words and messages seemed to be wonderful inspiration for today. National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement Officers Jun 26, 2018 By Maria Bohan

DSLEO was created for law enforcement of the Delmarva Peninsula (Delaware and the eastern shore areas of Maryland and Virginia), along with advocating respect for all officers. Hashtags | #delmarvablue and #delmarvasupportsleo
