Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sunday Will Be A Week | Corporal Keith Heacook, Delmar Police Department

Saturday, May 1st: Tomorrow morning marks one week since one of the most horrifying attacks on an individual in recent memory took place right here at home. This is our state, my county, a town where a hero fell while protecting us.

They say grief comes in waves....maybe that's true, and for many of us it's been anger too, shock, disbelief and a feeling that this can't be happening; you think one day is better than the next and go on about your life trying to focus on what's needed, and then a post or a memory brings back the realization that this family remains shattered. Please continue to hold them in your hearts and to reach out to others who despite struggling with their own sadness, keep getting up and facing down a world that has lost respect for those who pick up a badge each day and go out to protect and serve.


Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement was created to recognize  police officers of Delmarva (fourteen counties across three states); along with advocating respect for all who serve.
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