Monday, May 3, 2021

National Correctional Officers Week May 2nd - 8th, 2021

Sunday, May 2nd marked the beginning of an annual observance dedicated to the mostly unseen work performed daily by dedicated individuals across the nation. We believe it is essential to pause and honor the diligent service carried out by these men and women in the field of Corrections.

National Corrections Officers Week takes place during the first full week of May, created to recognize the important work of the individuals who maintain order in our jails and prisons. Although many do not understand the work of correctional officers, we recognize this career as dangerous, necessary and critical to the safety of our communities.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan announced the first week in May as National Correctional Officers Week. "The President may have been motivated by a variety of things, but the fact that jailers and corrections officers have one of the highest rates of occupational injuries and sickness may have something to do with the proclamation." Source: Military Benefits

The latter portion of the above statement is absolutely a cause for concern. Many individuals in the field of corrections face constant challenges and intense situations during their daily work, which requires a calm and professional attitude under tense and dangerous situations, much of which is unnoticed and underappreciated by the public.

"The inherent risk of working in corrections may seem obvious considering the backgrounds of many of those housed within jail and prison facilities. However, these risks are often masked from the public, which rarely sees or hears about the hundreds or thousands of staff assaults that take place each week in correctional facilities across this country." Source: Corrections officers, Thank You for Your Service, Courage and Commitment

Proclamation for Correctional Officers' Week 2021 in Virginia 05/02/2021:

WHEREAS, correctional officers play a crucial role in Virginia’s public safety efforts by monitoring and supervising incarcerated individuals serving sentences in local, state, or federal correctional facilities; and

WHEREAS, correctional officers are dedicated to promoting positive behaviors and habits, which improve offenders’ re-entry success; and

WHEREAS, correctional officers are crucial to Virginia’s statewide re-entry initiative and the continued reduction of recidivism, as they play a critical role in preparing offenders for successful re-entry into their communities after release; and

WHEREAS, correctional officers promote the safety of all Virginians by fostering a positive correctional atmosphere conducive to both healing and change; and

WHEREAS, correctional officers strive to maintain a healthy and safe working and living environment in correctional facilities throughout the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, throughout the last year, they have withstood the significant challenges and dangers presented by the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS, Correctional Officers’ Week offers an opportunity to acknowledge and honor Virginia's correctional officers for the vital contributions and sacrifices they make to protect the residents of our great Commonwealth;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ralph S. Northam, do hereby recognize May 2-8, 2021, as CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS' WEEK in the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens. Source: Virginia Gov

Image above via the Delaware Department of Correction: "National Correctional Officers & Employees Week begins. A week to recognize the service & sacrifice of those in uniform & the staff who work alongside & support them to meet DOC's dual mission of public safety and offender rehabilitation. Thank you for your dedicated service!" Source: Twitter

We encourage you to take the time to acknowledge the work of our men and women in corrections this week. Please feel free to download and post our images included in this post (for a larger version, just click on any graphic to open in a new window and then save).

Delmarva Supports Law Enforcement was created to recognize  police officers of Delmarva (fourteen counties across three states); along with advocating respect for all who serve. hashtag | #delmarvablue