Wednesday, May 18, 2022

As Police Week 2022 Comes to a Close....

Today was the official end to Police Week 2022. Being able to follow some of the services via YouTube or livestreamed is a great thing for those of us who cannot attend in person, but still wish to pay our respects to the fallen and the survivor families. In addition to the schedule in Washington, D.C., there were events this month which took place locally, such as memorial ceremonies and the Unity Tour riders passing through parts of Delaware and Maryland.

During this week, I've seen several comments, posted by different individuals but with the same theme; "we should be honoring our police every day, not just one week out of the year", and I can't agree more with that statement. We absolutely - as neighbors, residents and members of the community - must take action to be a presence and support system which stands with our law enforcement officers.

In addition to the long-time organizations which exist across our three states, there have also been a number of efforts recently launched on Delmarva over the last year or two; "Back the Blue" groups in Worcester and Talbot Counties, the "Blue Line Bandits", and last week a "cookie caravan" which delivered treats and thanks to a dozen police departments. I frequently see acknowledgements shared on social media thanking local businesses, students and organizations for deliveries of lunch or snacks, and each time I see such posts there is a sense of gratitude knowing so many folks continue to hold our LEO in their hearts.

So now I'd like to ask you, what else can be done? How do you feel we can better serve this community? If you have suggestions for ways in which we can come together and help in a different manner, please, feel free to share your thoughts. While not all events hosted by local agencies are open to the public, there are plenty of activities we only learn of afterwards. We would certainly welcome the opportunity to establish communication with any department on Delmarva.

To all law enforcement officers, please know your service and commitment is acknowledged and appreciated every single day. We remain grateful to the strong family members who stand behind the Thin Blue Line as their loved ones leave each day, and you remain in our thoughts and prayers always. Thank you and God bless our police!!

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. Hashtag: #delmarvablue