Monday, June 13, 2022

Deputy First Class Glenn Hilliard | Wicomico County Sheriff's Office

We were shocked and surprised during a peaceful Sunday evening last night; worried for an officer we thought was injured; praying he or she would survive and recover. We were broken-hearted to see the updates which told us this was much worse, and devastated to read the words which began spilling out across social media. Our prayers for strength go out to the family of this deputy, loved ones and friends, and all at the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office as together we struggle to process what has happened.

This morning we shared the announcement from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office on Facebook, a post that was beautifully written but still didn't make sense. This DOESN'T make sense. It's too soon for another tragedy; this young man is too young to have been gunned down....yet it's happened again....right here, at home.


Deputy Hilliard was a husband, a father, a son, dear friend, beloved coworker, neighbor.....and in the days to come, we'll likely learn how much he meant to so many. Grief is never limited to a city, state, or zip code - that much is evident in the outpouring of emotion from all corners of the country this morning. All of us are hurting today, as our community has again suffered an unimaginable loss, so please friends, hold on to each other and reach out your hand to those who are suffering.

Governor Hogan, who was just in our area this past weekend, has ordered flags to be lowered in honor of our fallen hero. “This is to advise that Governor Larry Hogan ordered the United States Flag and Maryland Flag be lowered to half-staff effective immediately and returned to full-staff at sunset on the day of interment (not yet known). This action is in honor of Deputy First Class Glenn Hilliard of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, who died in the line of duty on Sunday, June 12, 2022.”

Thank you for your inquiries regarding donations for Deputy Hilliard. Here is the information for the authorized account set up to benefit DFC Hilliard's family, organized by Operation We Care and the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 111. Tha
nk you.

Rest in peace, Deputy Hilliard. May God watch over your family and provide them strength and comfort in the days ahead. We grieve together, as we try to process this terrible loss to our community, as we hold each and every one of the family members and sheriff's department in our thoughts and prayers.

Deputy First Class Glenn Hilliard
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office
End of Watch: Sunday, June 12th, 2022

update: A Candlelight Vigil was held Monday night (June 13th), at the Shorebirds Stadium in Salisbury. It was well attended and something I believe we needed to do for our community. Will add pictures shortly.

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. Hashtag: #delmarvablue