Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday, June 17th: National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement

National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement Officers 2022: while we may all be of different beliefs and faiths, one thing we are united in, and that is our gratitude and love for those who wear the badge.⁣ Although we may be working or serving in various locations and unable to join together, the words "For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them”, reminds us that we can lift up our hearts and voices anywhere, alone or with others.

As we travel through a difficult and sad time for our local community, as we struggle to grasp the tragedy of losing one of our own, we find ourselves today in the National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement. It seems especially appropriate to pause and take a few minutes to offer prayers of comfort to the Hilliard family in their darkest time; to reach out a hand to our fellow neighbors and friends; to ask God to watch over and be with all police officers everywhere as they go about their daily duties.

Please remember the challenges and struggles which face the brave men and women who take up the badge each day and go out into the world to protect and serve, and offer a prayer for their well-being, mental and physical health, as well as for the strength of their families. We ask for strength to be given to the families of our officers as they stand behind the badge and offer support and comfort when their spouses, children or parents return home at the end of each shift - we know the blue families also carry an enormous burden along with those who are out on the front lines. We pray that our police chiefs and sheriffs and all leaders be given fortitude to lead, wisdom and oversight to carry out their tasks, and the courage to motivate and encourage those who look to them.

We ask you to join with us today at noon for a moment of prayer, or silence, wherever you may be - whether alone or gathered with others. Please take the time to think of those on the front lines or simply reach out to a fellow brother or sister in blue, so together, we may all participate. Thank you.

Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue