Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Keep The Love Alive; Together We Stand

So yesterday, January 9th..... it was like a blue glow just lit up the world. Every. Single. Place. You looked.....there were pictures and smiles, people going out to spread kindness and love for our law enforcement. It was like being in the middle of a fabulous day - like a wonderful Christmas, for example, and not wanting it to end.

Do you know what struck me the most about Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 2023? The pictures of deputies, police officers, all types of enforcement agencies - they posted photos of themselves alone or in groups, gathered together by their department sign or building, or out in the community.....SMILING. Proud. Showing that they STILL give a damn about this thankless profession and that they STILL are here, going out to fight for us and the places and people they swore to protect. After all they've been through and are going through - the danger, hate, disrespect; they still are proud of what they do and who they do it for - and that speaks volumes about character and dedication.

We CANNOT let these bright, dedicated and selfless individuals shine alone. We must never take for granted the willingness shown by these women and men! Character and courage may be in short supply these days, however one can still look right in our own town or city to find these folks who shine so brightly every day. We MUST find it in our hearts and daily lives to stand shoulder to shoulder with our cops; to admit the flaws and challenges of today's society; to remain steadfast support and strength for those who put everything on the line to serve their fellow man. Very simply, we must choose to do better each day, not just on January 9th, or for a week in May; we MUST stand with our police always.


Established in support of law enforcement located on the fourteen counties of Delmarva (DE & the eastern shore areas of MD & VA); advocating respect for all who serve and protect. #delmarvablue