Deputy Sheriff Charles Lankford suffered a fatal heart attack while attempting to break up a fight between four men at the county's annual carnival. Deputy Lankford had served with the Caroline County Sheriff's Office for 13 years. He was survived by his wife and two children. Source: ODMP.

Additional details: in March 2014 the Maryland Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) held a retreat for first year survivors at the Hyatt in Cambridge, MD. "The purpose of the retreat was to prepare the families of those officers who died in the line of duty in 2013 for the week long ceremonies that will take place in Washington DC during National Law Enforcement Officers Week in May. As a part of the closing ceremonies, the COPS organization included a memorial for Caroline County Sheriff's Deputy Charles H. Lankford who died in the line of duty over 36 years ago on 7/29/77. A brief description of the incident that took Deputy Lankford's life was read to the audience, after which Sheriff Randy Bounds took part in the ceremony by lighting a memorial candle, pinning a red carnation on a memorial heart, and accepting a United States Flag in memory of Deputy Lankford's service. Sheriff Bounds stated "COPS is a wonderful organization that fills a critical role for the family members left behind when a law enforcement officer loses his or her life in the line of duty. I was extremely honored to take part in such a thoughtful ceremony." Shared via the Caroline County Sheriff's Office Facebook page.
May 2014: The Caroline County Sheriff's Office posted this photo of of the police memorial in Washington, DC during Police Week on their Facebook page.

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